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"The Figurines" are a local Chattanooga Burlesque and performance group. We have hosted two 3-night shows this year that have packed out Barking Legs Theatre and are now looking to expand our horizons and perform at local bars, restaurants, and corporate events.
What makes this group so desirable is our versatility; we perform everything from pop to country with the added delight of live dancing and powerful vocals. We are beautiful, talented, and dynamic. Depending on the occasion, we have the flexibility to expand our show to a full performance with sketches or compact it to a cover show. We can turn up the heat to full Burlesque steaminess or keep it light and flirty. We would love to hear what you are looking for in your live entertainment and show you that The Figurines can become that easily.

"The Figurines" have a flexible show that can be adjusted for more conservative crowds. The Green Light Show consists of cover music with strong vocal leads and interesting vocal arrangements. All of this is complimented by flirty choreography and dance. This level is perfect for corporate events, parties, and weddings.


Yellow light special
In this level our clients can expect a show for the grown and sexy. The dances become more seductive, the songs more suggestive, and the costumes more provocative. This level is the closest one would get to one of our shows. It's perfect for club and bar shows.



red light special
In this level clients can expect the singing and dancing that you've come to love with the added delight of striptease numbers. This show is by adults for adults and is not for the faint of heart. For those events in which you want to turn up the heat this is the level for you.



Interested in hiring us for one of your special events? 
Contact Garrell Woods (Group Manager & Director):
phone: (423) 847-2170

The Figurines at WIDE OPEN FLOOR

The Figurines at THE HOT XMAS PARTY

The Figurines at the MASQUERAVE

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